Julian Martin, Untitled, 2022, pastel. Image courtesy Arts Project Australia, Melbourne.

March 2023
’Julian Martin’
The National 4: Australian Art Now, Campbelltown Arts Centre

Julian Martin’s creative output is integrally linked to Arts Project Australia (APA), a studio for neurodiverse artists in the inner-Melbourne suburb of Northcote, and the place he has been making art since the age of 20. Over the course of 30-plus years, Martin has established a methodical regimen that underpins his practice, ensuring he starts each new work with a sense of relative ease, in a space in which he both knows and sets the parameters. Yet from this highly controlled launching pad, an extraordinary range of imagery emerges, encompassing portraiture, still life, biomorphic abstraction, and work more akin to colour field painting.  

See The National: Australian Art Now for full essay.


REVIEW / Catherine Opie: Binding Ties / Heide Museum of Modern Art / 1 Apr - 16 Jul 21 (Copy)


ESSAY / Lyndal Phelps: The Secret Life of Objects / Onespace / Feb 23